Friday, February 5, 2010

My First Born!

Chat transcript :
"me: do u blog?
XYZ: too lazy... i wish i had a software tht wud type as i spoke. my blog wud hav been a big hit i think
me: thr is sumthng like that isnt it?
XYZ: u do?
me: i dont...i dunno y...bcoz thts 1 thng i'd love to do bt again..laziness i think it is :)
XYZ: yes atleast for me its laziness dat way i wnt to be an actor/producer etc etc. in my mind i have done almost anything under the sun but in realtiy im just a lazy bum who lies back n thinks he is a hero
me: uff actor/producer is 1 thing...blogger is quite another!
XYZ: same thing - u need to put ur head down n apply urself - i cnt do that"

This was 2 days back...and I've been thinking since that indeed blogging is not rocket science! So here I am delivering my first some sense beating the "lazy bum" out of the woman who dreams of spinning a whole new world out of her words! May the "lazy bum" never show its face again :) Amen!


  1. Your first born is indeed very interesting just like you and there is no doubt given your capability that you can easily spin out a whole new world by your words...waitin eagerly for that:-)

  2. Hey,
    Welcome aboard. I am sure you are going to have a heck of a time!!
    Good luck and keep writing! :)

  3. Tweenie girl! I am so happy to see that you have a blog. Have been hearing only superlatives about your writing and now I can read them! :)

    Happy blogging!

  4. Amazing! Now people too will get to experience the magic that i once saw composing a poem in a matter of few minutes, a poem that got us travelling Hundreds of miles, a journey i shall cherish n remember...always! :)..Bikram
