Friday, February 5, 2010

Stuff that dreams are made of!

A small village..
A truant I play on the stage of life.
As the sea roars like a hungry lion from behind,
I can't hear what my mother screams to tell me.

I walk past every known face..every known house..every known lane..
To enter a strait dark and dingy
Yes! thats the lane i call my "alter ego".
Where a million words..a trillion thoughts play hide and seek with each other...
And then hold hands and run together like little children set free.

I sit in a corner basking in the last rays of the setting sun,
Straining my eyes to see beyond the horizon:
As if the thoughts are tiptoeing the footsteps of a Pied Piper I cannot see...
As if its time I let them go.

Strange are the stuff that dreams are made of...
Strange the truth that freedom is but a colour I can only use on canvas!


  1. Malini...this is absolutely amazin!! Your words are just mesmerizing...

  2. The turbulence of your life reflects in your dreams, so even if u r confused about what u r really in life, ur dreams will speak out for u! do listen carefully! :)

    PS: Amazing stuff again!

  3. Just amazing, specially the choice of words
